

Take a deep dive into equitable services with Michelle’s blog series. From examining what the expansion of Title I service could mean for your school to how to make the most of your Title IIA funding, each blog offers expert analysis and insights into ESSA and equitable services.

A Note From Henry Fortier

August 5th, 2024|

Dear Colleagues, On July 1st, I was honored to step into the role previously held by Michelle Doyle, focusing on federal program training, advocacy, and support for our private and religious schools. This transition is not just a professional milestone [...]

Title VIII Guidance-Consultation

October 25th, 2023|

Dear Colleagues, If you’ve been following along for this series of blog posts, you know that I’ve been writing about various elements of the new Title VIII guidance released by the U.S. Department of Education on July 17, 2023.  [...]

Title VIII Guidance-Fiscal

October 12th, 2023|

Dear Colleagues, Previously, I wrote about the new Title VIII guidance.  On July 17, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education issued the long-anticipated Title VIII non-regulatory guidance for ESSA.  This guidance explains Equitable Services for Eligible Private School Children, [...]

Title VIII guidance-Title IIA

September 26th, 2023|

Dear Colleagues, Previously, I wrote about the new Title VIII guidance.  On July 17, 2023, the U.S. Department of Education issued the long-anticipated Title VIII non-regulatory guidance for ESSA.  This guidance explains Equitable Services for Eligible Private School Children, [...]

Title VIII Guidance

September 13th, 2023|

Dear Colleagues, The fun of summer has ended and the excitement of a new school year has taken its place. I hope that you had time to recharge and relax over the summer and are ready to welcome your [...]

ESI 2023

August 23rd, 2023|

Dear Colleagues: I trust that each of you has had a time to rest and recharge this summer.  It’s hard to believe the new school year is upon us!  And with the new school year comes a renewed push [...]

Summer 2023 Blog

June 2nd, 2023|

Dear Friends, I hope that the conclusion of the school year has been smooth and rewarding for you and your staffs—and that the summer holds some time for relaxation and rejuvenation.  In the world of federal programs, your LEA [...]

Principals’ Academy

February 7th, 2023|

Dear Colleagues, I hope that many of you—and your building level administrators—were able to participate in the virtual Equitable Services Institute earlier this month.  It was well-attended and the questions asked were thoughtful and indicative of the involvement of [...]

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